Other Instructional Staff Titles
Scope: Other Instructional Staff are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Other Instructional Staff Titles
Scope: Other Instructional Staff are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Test Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs)
Scope: Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPL faculty) are covered under this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Evaluation of Members of the Faculty
Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Statement on the Evaluation of Teaching
Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Faculty
Scope: Tenure-Eligible Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Scope: Tenure Eligible Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
The Tenure and Promotion Process
Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Rights of a Candidate Who Has Received a Negative Recommendation or Been Denied Tenure or Promotion
Scope: Tenure Eligible Faculty are covered by this policy.
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty
Scope: Tenure Eligible Faculty are covered by this policy
Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Faculty